Initiated Shamanic Warrior (Toltec Pathway, the Path of Heart)
Shamanic Practitioner, Herbalist, Crystal Healer, and Tarotist
KIA-ORA is Dianna's private healing space in South Hampshire and is ONLY open for in-person sessions on Wednesday between 10am and 2pm.
Her work with shamanism focuses on breaking ancestral "knots", karmic patterns from past lives, and healing from inner-child wounds and childhood trauma. Often, if a life challenge is present for you, all of these are connected in small ways (if not significant ways) - it's a case of finding the threads. The methods she uses are coaching, talking, and counselling; sometimes mediumship (our ancestors are very active in helping us break ancestral knots); and using shamanic tools for ritual, healing, and guidance throughout the process. There is rarely a "quick fix" and usually at least 3 or 4 sessions are recommended. See the shamanic healing page for more info.
If you are a therapist, practitioner, or teacher and you would like a session for supervision, confirmation, or other spiritual mentoring, feel free to contact Dianna. She has worked with many therapists and practitioners in this way.
Sessions are by appointment only. Clicking on the relevant image below will take you to further information about that modality. (Some links take you to the Heart Warrior Herbs website, also managed by Dianna.)
To book a consultation or to find out more, please contact Dianna at dianna@heartwarriorsway.co.uk (or info@kiaoralounge.co.uk)